Rational choice, institutions and game theory. A brief introduction


  • Henio Millán El Colegio Mexiquense




Game theory, Institutions, Main concepts, Rational choice, Relations


The aim of this text is to present the rational choice approach (RCA) and its relationships with two other instruments of analysis: institutions and game theory. The methodology used is of theargumentative kind and consists of: a) presenting the basics of RCA; b) pointing out the dependence that the RCA has on the concept of institutions; and c) proving that the RCA and institutions are synthesized in the different models of game theory. The results obtained are: 1) institutions show a great capacity formodifying the RCA´s equilibria; and, 2) the joint analysis of the RCA, institutions and game theory also allows us to analyze pre-modern communitieseven though the RCA has favored the study of modern societies.


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Author Biography

Henio Millán, El Colegio Mexiquense



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How to Cite

Millán, H. . (2022). Rational choice, institutions and game theory. A brief introduction. Revista Euro Latinoamericana De Análisis Social Y Político (RELASP), 2(4), 25–52. https://doi.org/10.35305/rr.v2i4.66


