Far Beyond Made In China:
Concerns about the Sino-Brazilian Migration Contexo
Chinese migrants, Portuguese as a host language, RefugeAbstract
This study fits into the postmodern context (Hall, 2003), specifically on the history of Chinese migrations to Brazil. My historical data collection was based in Chang-Sheng (2018, 2021) and in the Refuge in Numbers (OBMigra, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020). In addition to presenting the Sino-Brazilian migratory panorama, cultural aspects about the Chinese community in Brazil were included through universal literature (Rosa, 2009) and a fact that occurred in Rio de Janeiro in the 19th century, which involves the death of Chinese migrants. Answers are sought for the following question: what place does Portuguese as a Host Language (PLAc) have for Chinese people recognized as refugees in Brazil? The methodology started from the following steps: (i) from my work as a Portuguese teacher for the Chinese community in Brazil in 2010 and 2011; (ii) through the unfolding of the dissertation and thesis of (Costa, 2019, 2022), whose Compilation of PLAc Productions was reused in this research; (iii) the preliminary and online survey with teachers and coordinators of PLAc courses. Partial results point to the absence of Chinese migrants in PLAc courses and to the inexpressive interdisciplinary academic production between Language Studies and Migratory Studies on Sino-Brazilian relations.
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