Access to healthcare for relocated refugees Reception and integration strategies of Portuguese civil society institutions
Health, Refugees, Integration, Relocation institutionsAbstract
The text addresses health in the context of the refugee relocation process in Portugal, from the civil society institutions that welcomed the refugees, in the context of the relocation process that took place following the 2015 crisis. The look at health focuses on the institutional relationship with official entities, with health services; the strategies used in accessing health care; the main difficulties in this access and the health problems mentioned. We start from of both the responses to the questionnaires and the interviews carried out within the scope of an investigation into the role and practices of host institutions in the integration of refugees in Portugal between 2017-2019. We conclude that although access to health care is foreseen and guaranteed, obstacles arise in everyday life, in real local contexts, mainly due to linguistic and cultural barriers, lack of answers in the public health system for some specialties, especially in terms of mental health. The support network and the role of volunteers were essential. It is recommended that a structured network of intercultural mediators and interpreters be created to systematically accompany the relocated refugees.
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