Migrations and the Challenges to European Democracies. An analysis of the speech of the MEPs of the 8th Legislature of the European Parliament
Migration, Asylum, European Parliament, 8th Legislature, DemocracyAbstract
The 8th Legislature of the European Parliament took office in July 2014, in complex circumstances: more than 1,600 people dead or missing in the Mediterranean Sea, and with the resurgence of the extreme right and the anti-immigration discourse in old Europe. The objective of this work was to analyze the speech of parliamentary groups during the 8th Legislature of the European Parliament, regarding the orientation of the asylum and migration policy of the European Union. The method used had a descriptive and qualitative approach, through the analysis of the content of the speech in the plenary session of the MEPs, codified and analyzed with Atlas.Ti. It was found that the decisions of the MEPs were taken in line with the political ideology of the parliamentary group, with the migration policy assuming a more security orientation, with the reinforcement of Schengen; than humanitarian in relation to asylum, given that it has not been possible to overhaul the Common European Asylum System. However, in the face of serious infringements by the Member States, the European Council and the Commission, the European Parliament exercised its democratic function.
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