The complete contribution of the body to Cuban totalitarianism. Between microphysics and microhistory

Entre microfísica y microhistoria


  • Eduardo Luis Espinosa UAM, México



Totalitarianism, Cuba, Microphysics of power, Indiciary paradigm, Complete contribution


The Italian microhistory of Carlo Ginzburg and the microphysics of power elaborated by Michel Foucault, allow us to explain the domination over the body in Cuban totalitarianism. Thus we can locate it in the micro-powers and the political technologies of the body. According to the indiciary paradigm, it is the data of the Cuban-on-thestreet and his daily life that help us understand that the State reaches complete control of the body, a complete contribution of the energies of its citizens. Historically, their bases of independent power were assigned in favor of the process of centralization and militarization of the State as of 1959. Paradoxically, this process had precedents at the time that the struggle was being made to validate the 1940 Constitution -a vanguard of the democracy in the Western Hemisphere.


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How to Cite

Espinosa, E. L. . (2022). The complete contribution of the body to Cuban totalitarianism. Between microphysics and microhistory: Entre microfísica y microhistoria. Revista Euro Latinoamericana De Análisis Social Y Político (RELASP), 2(4), 159–176.


