El envejecimiento poblacionalen América Latina:
Aportes para el delineamiento de políticas públicas
Elderly, Public Politics, Human RightsAbstract
The aging of the population is considered one of the most specific social transformations of the 21st century (OMS, 2017). Given that the presence of fragility or dependency is more likely in old age, it is that the study of the aging, care and rights triad becomes a nodal theme. In this framework, the Inter-American Convention for the Protection of the Human Rights of Older Adults is the compass that guides our work. The objective of this work is to analyze the current situation of this phenomenon in Latin America in general and in Argentina in particular, identifying deficits and priority needs. Likewise, it will seek to see the main challenges that arise when it comes to achieving a progressive system of care and promoting comprehensive well-being in this population. Some of the devices for older adults that are implemented for both care and prevention and health promotion are presented, as well as the adaptations that have been made for their continuity in the current context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Finally, with the intention of strengthening regional and national capacity to face the challenges of population aging, a series of general recommendations and other specific recommendations specific to the current pandemic are proposed.
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