3D Animation, Democracy and White Suprematism in relation to Latinos


  • Luis David Echenique Lima Universidad Politécnica. Metropolitana de Hidalgo




Racism, Social history, Migration, 3D animation, Sciences and Arts for Design


In this article, we discuss themes relating to the social and political context surrounding the development and initial release of the 3D animated movie Coco (2017). As part of a doctoral study concerning the social history of Coco’s principal character, this article focuses on the political climate which placed the themes of migration in the minds of a wide variety of audiences across the world. We can understand Disney-Pixar’s selection of certain themes associated with migration, and their subsequent positive embellishment of them, in light of the broader trends in America political culture, expressed developmentally in the position on the ‘Hispanic immigrant question’ espoused over time by different American presidents. This emphasis on the political climate surrounding the release of Coco prompts us to embark on a brief historical review of American presidencies, beginning with the presidency of George W. Bush up to the presidency of Donald Trump, who was incumbent when the movie initially screened in 2017.


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How to Cite

Echenique Lima, L. D. (2024). 3D Animation, Democracy and White Suprematism in relation to Latinos. Revista Euro Latinoamericana De Análisis Social Y Político (RELASP), 4(8), 196–218. https://doi.org/10.35305/rr.v4i8.132



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