Is presidential re-election really allowed in El Salvador?

Constitutional Analysis and Supreme Court Rulings


  • Nancy Eunice Alas Moreno Sophia University



Presidential, Re-election, System, El Salvador, Constitution


This paper thoroughly explores the permissibility of presidential re-election in El Salvador by analyzing constitutional provisions and pivotal rulings of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (CCSCJ), specifically CCSCJ’s rulings 163-2013 (25 July 2014) and 1-2021 (3 September 2021). Beginning with a brief historical context, the study provides essential insights into the evolution of the presidential system in El Salvador, establishing a foundation for comprehending historical and legal trends. The analysis meticulously dissects relevant constitutional clauses shaping the presidential system, paving the way for a nuanced examination. Focused on the interpretative milestones set by CCSCJ rulings, particularly those critical decisions, the paper navigates the intricate legal landscape surrounding presidential re-election in El Salvador. In its conclusion, the article addresses the question: Is presidential re-election really allowed in El Salvador? Beyond a simple answer, the study offers insightful reflections on the broader political-legal implications, contributing to a deeper understanding of El Salvador’s evolving governance dynamics.


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Author Biography

Nancy Eunice Alas Moreno, Sophia University

Salvadoran lawyer and assistant professor in the Department of Hispanic Studies at Sophia University, Japan.


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How to Cite

Alas Moreno, N. E. (2024). Is presidential re-election really allowed in El Salvador? : Constitutional Analysis and Supreme Court Rulings. Revista Euro Latinoamericana De Análisis Social Y Político (RELASP), 4(8), 109–133.


