Citizenship in migratory contexts:

binationality, democracy and political participation, Mexico-US




Supranational democracy, Citizenships, Multi-Citizenships, Immigration


This article is framed in a complex context of contemporary debates and approaches to citizenship, where immigrant citizen participation at the political, social and civil levels is evident, limited or favored, depending on the case, but present. For this reason, it is relevant to examine the connections between the construction of citizenship through the intra- and supranational experiences of immigrants, for which the case of Zacatecan nationals living in the United States is addressed, as a representative perspective that can contribute to the discussion, in the mean that human mobility has been a unique and permanent feature in global history, and currently continues to be relevant, with more than 272 million international migrants in the world. Knowing that migration is one of the most important and pressing global problems of the century, since of the totality recognized by the UN International Organization for Migration (IOM), 68 million are externally displaced persons; 25 million are refugees; 40 million are internally displaced; 4.8 million are for studies and professionalization; 150.3 million are migrant workers; 36.1 million are children; approximate classification, which in itself contains a vast object of analysis.


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Author Biography

Elizabeth Amador Márquez, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas. México

Docente investigadora adscrita a la Unidad Académica de Ciencias Sociales, UAZ. 



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How to Cite

Amador Márquez, E. (2023). Citizenship in migratory contexts: : binationality, democracy and political participation, Mexico-US. Revista Euro Latinoamericana De Análisis Social Y Político (RELASP), 4(7), 19–46.


